Showing: 182 RESULTS
Echocardiography and Hemodynamics

161. Dilation and dysfunction of the left ventricle

An 83-year-old patient underwent surgery for empyema of metatarsophalangeal joint five days ago. The postoperative period was without any signs of complication, no sepsis developed. She was admitted to ICU for worsening dyspnea. Hypervolemia with retention of fluid was diagnosed. Significant fluidothorax developed bilaterally. The patient had had no history of cardiac problems so far. …

Lung and thoracic ultrasound

160. Atelectasis

A 42-year-old patient underwent spondylodesis of Th11-L1 for vertebral fracture. Surgery was performed using a combination of dorsal and ventral left-sided thoracotomy. The patient was transferred to ICU for dyspnea. CT was performed. Atelectasis of upper lobe of the right lung, atelectasis of lower lobe of the left lung and residual pneumothorax ventrally on the …

Lung and thoracic ultrasound

157. Dyspnea and COPD

An old patient with a history of COPD was admitted to the ICU for hypercapnic respiratory failure (pCO2 92 mmHg, pO2 70 mmHg, pH 7.3, BE +18 mmol/l). Level of consciousness improved after non-invasive ventilation was started. Auscultation revealed diffuse rhonchi. No expectoration was present. Chest X-ray performed during admission revealed neither infiltration nor effusion. …

Abdominal ultrasound Echocardiography and Hemodynamics Lung and thoracic ultrasound

156. Complicated pleural effusion

A 45-year-old woman with a history of type-II diabetes (peroral antidiabetics) underwent surgery for splenic abscess. Splenectomy was performed without any complication. The patient was transferred to the standard ward after surgery. Histology confirmed abscess; however, infected intraparenchymal haematoma could not be excluded. Cultivation revealed Propionibacter avidum (typical skin flora commensal). The patient reported therapy …

Abdominal ultrasound Echocardiography and Hemodynamics Free Lung and thoracic ultrasound

155. Sepsis and ARDS

An 82-year-old patient underwent elective surgery (right hemicolectomy) due to the adenocarcinoma of the ascending colon. On the 5th day, the patient vomited intestinal content. She was admitted to the ICU for respiratory insufficiency several hours later. The patient had to be intubated (after short non-invasive ventilation). Shock developed during mechanical ventilation and levels of …

Abdominal ultrasound

154. Abscess in the spleen

Ultrasonography of a patient in sepsis. Septic focus is suspected to be localised in the abdominal cavity. A patient underwent right-sided hemicolectomy one week ago. She had to be intubated due to the development of sepsis and MODS. She received mechanical ventilation. A nasogastric tube was inserted. Let´s suppose you just finished echocardiography (the patient …

Abdominal ultrasound

152. Abdominal pain after pacemaker implantation

An 80-year-old patient came to an emergency for repeated syncopes (three times last week, she had not searched for medical help before). Significant bradycardia of 28 bpm was revealed. ECG showed junctional rhythm in the terrain of sinus arrest. Lab tests revealed slight elevation of leucocytes (12 900 with 59% of neutrophils), CRP 52 mg/l, creatinine …

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