A 42-year-old patient underwent spondylodesis of Th11-L1 for vertebral fracture. Surgery was performed using a combination of dorsal and ventral left-sided thoracotomy. The patient was transferred to ICU for dyspnea. CT was performed. Atelectasis of upper lobe of the right lung, atelectasis of lower lobe of the left lung and residual pneumothorax ventrally on the left side were all revealed. A chest drainage was established during surgery. A minimum amount of fluid without air came out.atient´s haemodynamics was stable; he was breathing spontaneously with the necessity of oxygen therapy (nasal cannula). Lab tests revealed a normal level of leucocytes, CRP was 145 mg/l (dynamics of CRP in a few previous days: 80 … 135 … 145).
Chest X-ray:
Lung ultrasonography was performed: